Audiencias - Año 2023 - Luis Ramos - Audiencia AU002AW1433149

Información General
Identificador AU002AW1433149
Fecha 2023-10-25 16:30:00
Forma Presencial
Lugar Alameda 1449, torre 2 piso 13 Ministerio
Duración 1 horas, 0 minutos
Nombre completo Calidad Trabaja para Representa a
Matt Blunt Lobbista Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) - American Automotive Policy Council (AAPC)
Charles Uthus Gestor de intereses - American Automotive Policy Council (AAPC)
Materias tratadas
Diseño, implementación y evaluación de políticas, planes y programas efectuados por los sujetos pasivos.
Especificación materia tratada
- A discussion on Chile’s new CAFE fuel economy/CO2 standards for light motor vehicles and US automakers’ views and recommendations. Letter sent previously is attached for your control.

September 13, 2023
Armando Perez
Jefe Unidad Transporte Eficiente
Chilean Ministerio de Energia
Alameda 1449, Pisos 13 y 14
Santiago, Chile
Dear Mr. Perez:
The American Automotive Policy Council (AAPC) representing American Automakers – Ford Motor Company, General Motors Company and Stellantis sent a letter in April this year to the Chilean Ministry of Energy on the new draft CAFE fuel economy/CO2 standards for light motor vehicles.
The week of October 22nd, I along with my colleague, Charles Uthus, Vice President for AAPC and representatives from our member companies will be in Santiago for meetings with Chilean government officials and other Chilean automotive manufacturer associations. During our visit to Santiago, we would appreciate the opportunity to meet with the Chilean Ministry of the Energy to discuss how Chile can more closely align the establishment of their new CAFE fuel economy/CO2 standards for light motor vehicles with global norms. This will in turn help a smooth implementation of the CAFE rule and minimize unnecessary disruptions of the Chilean auto market. AAPC and its member companies fully appreciate Chile’s goal of improving air quality and reducing energy consumption.
Please kindly, let AAPC know the Chilean Ministry of Energy’s availability on the afternoon of October 25th. We look forward to hearing from you in scheduling this meeting. Please contact Teddy Coin with AAPC at to schedule the meeting.