Audiencias - Año 2022 - Karina Muñoz - Audiencia AN001AW1245385

Información General
Identificador AN001AW1245385
Fecha 2022-12-19 10:00:00
Forma Videoconferencia
Lugar Google Meet
Duración 1 horas, 0 minutos
Nombre completo Calidad Trabaja para Representa a
Konstantin Papaxanthis Gestor de intereses Scytales AB
Materias tratadas
Celebración, modificación o terminación a cualquier título, de contratos que realicen los sujetos pasivos y que sean necesarios para su funcionamiento.
Especificación materia tratada
Dear Mrs. Muñoz Matus, I am interested to inform you on the meeting - without any bindings - the successful project and role-out we have done with the Road Administration (DVM) in Utah State in USA and issuing ISO 18013-5 Mobile Driving Licenses and validations mechanisms in real-time in off-line and on-line modes. The new Standard ISO 18013-5 is a new global standard from the United Nations covering a program of 5 Billion Drivers. I have heard that Chile has implemented a Mobile Driving License program and I am interested to hear more about the program and lessons learned. Also, our company will deliver with our partner to the European Union the forthcoming EU Digital Identity Wallet a program we won one week ago. All the best, Konstantin P.