Audiencias - Año 2022 - Mariela Barquin - Audiencia AN001AW1238311

Información General
Identificador AN001AW1238311
Fecha 2022-12-02 10:00:00
Forma Presencial
Lugar Amunátegui 139, con Mariela Barquín, Coordinadora Programa Desarrollo Logístico
Duración 1 horas, 0 minutos
Nombre completo Calidad Trabaja para Representa a
Konstantin Limitovskiy Gestor de intereses Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Alberto Ninio Gestor de intereses Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Materias tratadas
Diseño, implementación y evaluación de políticas, planes y programas efectuados por los sujetos pasivos.
Especificación materia tratada

We are pleased to inform you that Vice President Limitovskiy is planning to lead a mission to Chile from November 30 to December 2, 2022.

This is the first official mission of AIIB to Chile, after becoming a member in 2021. The objective of the mission is to establish an operational working relationship with the Government of Chile across sectors under the Bank’s mandate, as well as with the private sector.

The goal of the requested meeting is to meet the Minister of Transport, Mr. Juan Carlos Muñoz, to discuss key areas for potential collaboration and to identify investment project opportunities in line with the applicable strategies and needs of the Government of Chile.


Office of Vice President Konstantin Limitovskiy, Investment Operations, East&Central Asia, EMEA&Americas, AIIB