Audiencias - Año 2023 - Ramón Guajardo - Audiencia AW004AW1374929

Información General
Identificador AW004AW1374929
Fecha 2023-07-26 16:00:00
Forma Presencial
Lugar Oficina Regional SEA, Avda. República de Croacia 0336, Antofagasta
Duración 1 horas, 0 minutos
Nombre completo Calidad Trabaja para Representa a
Tokuro Shimatani Gestor de intereses Japan Bank for International Cooperation
Hajime Ogasawara Gestor de intereses Japan Bank for International Cooperation
Hisashi Kanamori Gestor de intereses Japan Bank for International Cooperation
Daiji Naito Gestor de intereses E&E Colutions Inc.
Claudia Prieto Gestor de intereses Interpretes Asociados LTDA
Materias tratadas
Diseño, implementación y evaluación de políticas, planes y programas efectuados por los sujetos pasivos.
Especificación materia tratada
Tema Tratado
Japan Bank for International Cooperation (“JBIC”) is asked to support Minera Centinela Development Project ("the Project").
In the process of finance consideration, JBIC intends to implement environmental and social due diligence, including the meeting with governmental authorities such as Servicio de Evaluación Ambiental (“SEA”) and Superintendencia del Medio Ambiente (“SMA”).
JBIC’s objective of meeting with SEA/SMA is to exchange information for deepening our understanding of the EIA/DIA approval and monitoring mechanism etc.

 Items to be discussed / confirmed
1. Opening Remarks
 Introduction of group members by SEA/SMA and JBIC.

2. ESIA Approval
 Would you briefly explain the process of ESIA approval and disclosure of ESIA report?
 Would you briefly explain the role of SEA/SMA in terms of ESIA approval including the demarcation between SEA and SMA?
 Please explain your view to main environmental and social issues for the Project.

3. Monitoring Mechanism
 Would you briefly explain the role of SEA/SMA and procedure (including site inspection and reporting procedure to SEA/SMA) in terms of the monitoring/follow-up of environmental performance of the Project including the demarcation between SEA and SMA?
 Would you briefly explain the penalty system for project proponents which do not comply with regulations?
 Is the Environmental Monitoring performance of the Project satisfactory for SEA/SMA?

4. Communication with Local People/NGOs
 Would you briefly explain the policy and procedure for communicating with stakeholders such as local people and environmental NGOs?
 Have you received any complaints on the Project from the stakeholders including local people and environmental NGOs?

5. Others
 Outstanding issues or concerns if any.